Technical Services Opportunities | InnoPharma Technical Services Technical Services Opportunities | InnoPharma Technical Services

Validation Opportunities

Innopharma Technical Services invites applicants for a position on our work simulation validation engineer and quality control analyst training programmes. Candidates are selected based on their suitability, and upon completion of the programme, successful candidates fulfil validation engineer or quality control analysts’ roles working as part of the Innopharma Technical Services team at client sites.  

Validation and QC Programme Overview 

We have developed two work simulation programmes to purpose-train both engineers and scientists for roles in validation and quality control. 

Validation Programme 

The validation programme provides hands-on experience in all aspects of equipment, process and cleaning validation as well as the supporting quality systems within the Pharma and med-tech industries. This includes developing, generating, and executing validation documentation such as VMP’s, IQ, OQ, PQ, process validation and cleaning validation protocols and reports. Candidates also gain in depth knowledge of the supporting quality systems such as change management, risk assessment, deviations and quality control. 

This is a 14-week full-time programme – currently running on-line.  

Quality Control Programme

The quality control programme provides hands on experience in all aspects of documentation, sample lifecycle and analytical testing as well as the supporting quality systems within the (bio)Pharmaceutical industry. This includes sample management lifecycle, sample analysis & calculations, documentation practices and record retention, troubleshooting as well as, hands on analytical testing including: HPLC Analysis (utilizing Waters Alliance E2696 technology), Dissolution Testing, and Assay/Content Uniformity Analysis.  

This is a 14-week full-time programme.

Candidate Requirements: 

  • High level of independence and initiative while working effectively as part of a team and high level of accountability for assigned responsibilities.  
  • Highly effective and efficient verbal and written communications skills. 
  • Technical competence and good technical writing skills.
  • Good understanding of Quality Systems and working within a Quality culture.
  • Ability to work within a cross functional team.
  • Strong project management skills.
  • Good understanding of processes and the impact of process parameters on the finished product. 
  • Systematic approach to problem solving. 
  • Ability to analyse data and determine process capability. 

Education Requirements:

  • Validation 

Level 8 Degree in Science, Technical or Engineering related discipline. 

  • Quality Control

Level 8 Degree in Science related discipline.

  • Previous experience working in a manufacturing environment would be advantageous. 

If you are interested, please contact:

Email: [email protected]